When I was a child my mother always said “Take me on a journey around the world someday”. I remember that we often watched a popular TV show called “KAORU KANETAKA’S THE WORLD AROUND US” together. Thinking back on those days now, I realize that I became interested in traveling at that time, but I was timid and nervous, even taking a train, and it was an adventure just going to the next station.
Eventually I set off on my journey, and I forgot my mother’s request. Then I found a joy for life in my journey via five senses; Look, Eat, Touch, Smell, and Listen. Before I knew it, I became enamoured with all things to do with travel.
What kind of journey would you like to take? Any kind is fine! The important thing is to take the journey. A journey is me, and my life is a journey. That is why I will keep going.
Maybe my mother’s now rememberd request was a trigger to start my journey.
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